BRAILLE LIBRARY: its use in the Blind’s People Institute “Adalgisa Cunha” State of Paraiba


  • Sueli Camilo da Silva
  • Francisca Arruda Ramalho


Analyzes the use of the Marizete Rodrigues Library by the blind user. It consists of a study with a group of 20 users. For the research we used a questionnaire transcribed in Braille and composed of three parts: the user’s profile, use of the library and the user’s satisfaction. The data analyzes points out the user’s satisfaction with relation to the use of the library and its services, the sources of information and the human resources. We observed the importance of this type of library for the visual deficients, above all in what it refers to the use of the information in the Braille system, the users feels in the sense of the physical space, the services and the collection and that the user’s satisfaction in relation to the same ones is significant to the library. We also observed that the library assumes an important paper in the user’s life.


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