INDEPENDENT AUTHORS: books we want to publish


  • Ellen Suely Dantas da Costa
  • Maria Elisabeth Baltar Carneiro de Albuquerque


This work analysis the reasons which lead an author to publish its own book, identifying the print shops that print its production and if these last know the publishing norms. The research was carried out with eighteen authors who had published by their own. It was noticed a significant number of books published by print shops, this fact reveals that the authors are unsatisfied with the local publishing house considering the bureaucracy, disrespect, lack of commitment and attention to the authors. It was also observed that the authors are in charge of the propaganda and marketing besides, the selling of the books is done by small bookstores in consignment. The authors, apart from hardly knowing about the legal deposit, the copy right register, the standardised norms for book publishing , the importance of the ISBN and the compulsory register and catalogue card, believe that the print shops know the publishing norms. It was perceived that the authors´ options to be published by print shops is, more than anything , motivated by the lack of stimulus from the publishing houses.


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