Cultura informacional

valores expressos na legislação do ensino superior de Moçambique



Introduction: Information culture involves fundamental criteria, values and beliefs, which reflect on information behavior, consisting of the way information is interpreted and handled by individuals and groups. The objective of the research was to discuss what the values are in the information culture aimed at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Mozambique. Method: Bibliographic and documentary research was used, based on the collection of higher education legislation and the Strategic Plan for Higher Education in Mozambique with an exploratory level and qualitative approach, seeking as sources, scientific articles and theses that discuss the topic, prioritizing consultation of the BRAPCI and SCIELO databases. Results: Some of the expressed values and principles were obtained from three of the five documents that govern Mozambican higher education legislation. Conclusion: the values that underpin informational culture are based on ‘social, cultural and scientific participation’; ‘social and community commitment’; ‘valuing academic culture’; ‘Reinforcement of citizenship’; 'Innovation'; 'Creativity'; ‘Democracy and respect for human rights’; 'Autonomy'; ‘Freedom of thought and expression’; ‘Equality, equity and non-discrimination’.


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Author Biographies

Luana Maia Woida, PPGCI-UNESP / FATEC-Garça

Docente na Fatec-Garça e PPGCI-Unesp

Ácia Domingos Cumbane Sambo, PPGCI-Unesp

Doutoranda em Ciência da Informação na Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Unesp-Marília) e Docente e investigadora na Escola Superior de Jornalismo (ESJ - 2015).





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