The production of knowledge about blacks (in) visibility in the annals of scientific initiation produced by UFPB
The production of knowledge about blacks (in) visibility in the annals of scientific initiation produced by UFPB ABSTRACT: This study makes a survey of the production of knowledge that implicates in the construction of the memory of Science from Universidade Federal da Paraíba, focusing its attention on the Scientific Initiation Meeting´s annals - ENIC / PIBIC / CNPq and UFPB, from the 1998 till 2008 with the specific aim to identify the production of knowledge about the Black people of researchers that same institution. The methodological procedures used in this study were determined by the epistemological conception of Cultural Studies, which is concerned with the visibility of the culture of different social groups, where there is a link to a qualitative approach to this research, tend to respond to particular issues in the Social Sciences (Applied), ethnic-racial, as they are concerned about the visibility of the culture of different social groups. For data analysis, we adopted the interpretive perspective, because it considers the history and culture of groups ethnic-racial. The forms and worksheets were used as a instrument to collect data, serving for the organization, selection and identification of data for analysis. The results shows dissonance in the production of knowledge of the three major areas and their subareas analyzed. We concluded that the invisibility about the black people in the production of knowledge is a form of racial discrimination which denies to the subject the right to be recognized in their culture and history. It is responsibility of the researchers the commitment to organize the information to disseminate it later to all social groups to become visible in the memory of science, and specifically, the black people, African and African descent. KEYWORDS: Black people. Memory. (In) visibility. Production of knowledge. Universities.Downloads
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