

Brass Pedagogy; Mixed Approaches; Learning styles.


This article demonstrated the importance of using mixed approaches in musical teaching applied to brass instruments. Methodologically, we performed a bibliographic study and data analysis collected. We also briefly demonstrated the reality of the Brass instruments' applied instructor in the State of Santa Catarina. After analyzing the collected data, we concluded that the teacher needs to know different concepts and techniques. Indeed, possessing knowledge from different pedagogical approaches will allow their students to perform better. Indeed, taking into account the different ways to assimilate and put into practice the information, respecting the students' reactions, which, of course, may vary.


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How to Cite

WERLE, W. R.; FERREIRA, A. THE USE OF THE BLENDED METHODS IN TEACHING BRASS. The Brazilian Trombone Association Journal, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 2, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.