Open submissions for thematic dossier


Communication, accessibility and representation of people with disabilities
(open for submissions until June 30, 2021)

The guarantee of communication as a human right is one of the conditions for reducing inequalities in democratic societies. Despite advances in expanding access and in the production of information, historically vulnerable social groups, such as people with disabilities, remain in a situation of violation in the exercise of this right. Even with the development of communication accessibility tools (such as audio description, Libras window and subtitling for the Deaf and deaf) and current legislation (as in Law 10,098, Law 13,146 / 2015, Normative Instruction Ancine no 116/2014 and 128/2016 ), communication barriers and the representation of people with disabilities are still little discussed in the Communication, in addition to not being properly addressed in the training of professionals in the field.

In the few existing research, it is observed that accessibility has been worked much more as tools or medium, in its instrumental dimension, than properly as the guiding concept of communication production (ELLIS; KENT, 2011). To the extent that it is not conceived and managed together with the creation of these products, accessibility ends up being thought of, often, as an accessory mechanism and under-explored in its complexity.

Considering the complexity and scope of the production, reception and representation modes in media productions, this thematic dossier seeks to give visibility to what has been produced about, for and by people with disabilities, as well as to foster theoretical and methodological discussion and debate on the topic. To this end, they are invited to participate in the present dossier which deal with the following issues: i) the reception of media productions accessible to the public of people with disabilities; ii) experimental studies in media productions accessible to the public with disabilities; iii) accessible and inclusive practices in the field of Communication; iv) media productions made by and for people with disabilities; v) the training of professionals in Communication and its interface with accessibility; vi) public policies and technical standardization of accessibility in the field of Communication; vii) quality and effectiveness of the accessibility tools applicable to media products; viii) representation of people with disabilities in different media products; ix) accessibility in media products and transversalities; x) media activism by and for people with disabilities, xi) communication initiatives and interfaces with the Crip theory, xii) performance of people with disabilities as communication professionals; (xiii) gender, disability and media.

The methodological bases include investigations of descriptive, exploratory and experimental types, with quantitative, qualitative, or even qualitative quantitative bias - depending on the intended theme. It is also expected the participation of researchers from related areas, such as Inclusive Education, Linguistics, Computing, Accessibility and Human Sciences in general, as long as they consider their contributions in the field of Communication.

The invited editors of the dossier are:
PhD Joana Belarmino (UFPB)
PhD Marco Bonito (UNIPAMPA) 
PhD Regiane Garcêz (UFMG) 
PhD Sandra Montardo (FEEVALE)

Attention: articles directed to the thematic dossier must be submitted within your specific session in the CM system. Papers that do not indicate this session will be evaluated to make up the regular edition of the magazine.

The Conditions for Submission and Guidelines for Authors follow those of regular CM editions.


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BRASIL. Presidência da República. Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência: Protocolo Facultativo à Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência: Decreto Legislativo no 186, de 09 de julho de 2008: Decreto no 6.949, de 25 de agosto de 2009. 4a Ed., rev. e atual. Brasília : Secretaria de Direitos Humanos, 2010. p. 100.

ELLIS, Katie; KENT, Mike. Disability and New Media. New York: Routledge, 2011. GENTILLI, Victor. O conceito de cidadania, origens históricas e bases conceituais: os vínculos com a Comunicação. Revista Famecos, Porto Alegre, n. 19, 2002.

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