
  • Márcio Norberto Farias



Addiction, Digital Screens, Corporeity, Education, Alienation.


This essay illustrates the results of a critical reflection on the possible permanent consequences for people in front of screens, which transmit images supported by electronic devices. It aims to reflect on the education of movement and an awareness of the formation itself, regarding the subject as a corporeal and sensitive being. In the first section are highlighted aspects of a historical and social trend in the practices of physical activities, which integrate the moving images transmitted by the most diverse types of display devices to stimulate people to move. Secondly, such a trend is reflected in the theory of the German philosopher Christoph Türcke, especially regarding his arguments about the permanent flow of microshocks from electronic screens, and their effects on the capacity of representation and human perception. The hypothesis of the text is that the integration of the screens from the electronic-imagery to the practices of physical activities, devoid of critical historical-social reflection, tends to make it even more difficult for people to realise the consequences of audio-visual stimulation on their own bodies, as well as on their relationships with what is actually in their surroundings, the result of which may be bodily alienation.



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