
  • Marta Maria Aragão Maciel UEPB
  • Gipsy Berley



Utopia, Ontology and Marxism, Possibility.


Ernst Bloch's The Principle Hope [de Prinzip Hoffnung] (1954-1959) in the context of the twentieth century emerges as a theoretical work not interior of the Marxist tradition whose central objective is an interpretation and update of the utopias that mark the history of culture: an inheritance intact. As a work of historical memory, such a thought refuses to play such as is what is forgetfulness. However, in different categories of argument, a denial of all extreme pessimism as to the possibilities for historical transformation - and which is current to the concept of utopia - lies in the theorizing of what the author calls the ontology of the still-not-being, that is , from a philosophical debate about external reality. In his most important work - text that enters into the index of Marxist orthodoxy - a constant passage from anthropology and psychology to ontology is observed, so as to think of the being of subjectivity as much as it is of the work, as well as the dialectical relations between them. In this hermeneutics of utopias we see a reflection arise in which the philosophical primacy is not the being, but the still-not-being. From this perspective, we may think that Ernst Bloch's philosophy is utopian as a theory of the still-non-existent being. An ontology of the still non-being, object of the present reflection, is presented as one of the central themes in The Hope Principle.


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