
  • Yusuke Kaneko Meiji University



One can work for another person, probably for all the others in an ethical way, and not for money. This is the main idea pursued in this article. When it comes to labour, we are inclined to deal with Marx. But even Marx apparently did not notice this ethical side of labour, because his focus was mainly on the creation of value, which was common among thinkers at that time, such as Locke and Smith. In contrast, Hegel consistently tackled the same issue from another angle: ethics. In terms of this, he went so far as to say the dignity of humans should be located in labour. We shed light on this very aspect of Hegel’s philosophy by reference to Alexandre Kojève’s famous commentary, Introduction à la lecture de Hegel.


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______. (1867): Das Kapital: Kritik der politischen Ökonomie, Erstes Buch. Nikol. [Le numéro de la page suit celui de Nikol. En plus, nous y ajoutons le numéro de la section ainsi que celui de chapitre. Parfois, nous appelons ce livre simplement Das Kapital.]

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