
  • Giuseppe Tosi Universidade Federal de Campina Grande




Revolution, Restoration, Reform, Freedom, Necessity.


Revolution is a modern concept, although the ancients used words to designate revolts or rebellions generally seen as moments of turbulence that should be avoided (with the exception of Machiavelli). The modern sense of the word has its origin in astronomy: was used by Copernicus in his fundamental work De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (1543) and indicates the turns that the planets make around the sun. In its beginnings, the term indicated a preordained, irresistible, recurring and cyclic movement. In that sense, it meant a restoration, a return to the rule and to the old (Glorious English Revolution). The change of meaning took place with the American e especially with the French Revolution, when the term took on a new meaning, which will be imposed, that of a new beginning: novus ordo saeclorum. Revolution has come to mean a radical change of paradigm, both in science, in the sense of industrial (technical-scientific) revolution and epistemological revolution (the radical changes of a scientific paradigm according to Kuhn's famous work); as well as in politics and society (cultural revolution). In this essay, we will deal with the relationship that Hannah Arendt establishes between the American and French revolutions, reflecting on the Russian revolution. Arendt takes a more favourable position to the American Revolution, understood like a revolution founded on freedom (Constitutio libertatis) that to the French and Russian revolution, understood like revolutions of the necessity. Thesis controversy that we will try to debate.


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Author Biography

Giuseppe Tosi, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Universidade Federal de Campina de Grande (UFCG)

Professor Adjunto I da Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Sociais (UACS), Área de Filosofia.


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