
  • Ícaro Miguel Ibiapina Machado UFSC




Logical Investigations, E. Husserl, Philosophy of Logic, Epistemology


Focusing on the introductory volume of Logical Investigations, by E. Husserl (Prolegomena to Pure Logic), the present paper aims to clarify the interactions between his conceptions of Logic as a discipline. This task was performed, mainly, by exposing their respective positions before the layers of Science, also extracted from the work. In this sense, it has been found that each of these disciplines relates to a specific part of Science. Thus (simply) Normative Logic has its sentences directed to Knowledge, understood in a subjective and ideal way. Pratical Logic turns to research methods, thus regulating human scientific activities. However, what is most significant for all these disciplines is that they do so in a general way, comprehending globally their corresponding areas of science. Hereupon, it is found, starting from the notion that knowledge is subjectivation of objectivity, that these disciplines are subordinated to the Pure Logic, which, in turn, have formal laws directed, in the most general way, towards all the objectivity of science. In this sense, the main contribution brought by the research is the idea of a hierarchical flow throughout each doctrine, which emanates from Pure Logic until it reaches, by way of Normative Logic, Technological Logic.


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