
  • Megue Magalhães de Andrade UnB
  • Pedro Ergnaldo Gontijo Universidade de Brasília




Philosophy, Women, Curriculum


This paper aims to outline the incidence of the gender perspective in the teaching of philosophy at undergraduate courses in Brazilian public universities. For this, we surveyed teaching programs in the subjects of philosophy courses of 15 universities. We created 04 categories for the analysis of these discipline programs, which develop on the following axes: the question about the teaching/presentation of women philosophers; on the teaching/presentation of themes worked by feminist philosophy in history - both as a central and secondary theme in the programmatic contents - and on bibliographic references recommended in these programs that contemplate philosophical and scientific women works. We conclude that the area of philosophy is still resistant to the study or even reading of the philosophical production performed by women.  The philosophical discourse consolidated in academia has been reproduced, in most times, by an eminently masculine speech, willing to think the world indifferent to the participation of women. We suggest that the way this knowledge is structured and organized - as abstract, universal, and neutral - makes it difficult for gender issues to enter the official philosophical debate.


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