


Fetish character, Fetishism, Ideology, Alienation, Value


The theory of the fetish character and fetishism of capital in all its determinations is one of the classic themes of Marxism. Although there are important studies on the subject, most analyses - and even some translations - ignore or do not clarify the difference and the fundamental relationship between the concepts of "fetish character" [Fetischcharakter] and "fetishism" [Fetischismus] in The Capital. Moreover, it is common to approach these concepts, under the generic nickname of fetishism, as a secondary topic of the concept of ideology. This article aims to contribute to the definition, distinction and understanding of the various dimensions of the concepts of fetish character and fetishism. A semantic link is advocated, while preserving the distinction, between the concepts of fetish and alienation on the one hand and fetishism and ideology on the other. While fetish refers to the objective characterisation of the capitalist mode of production as domination, fetishism refers to consciousness as cognitive distortion or false perception of reality similar to superstitious belief.


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Author Biography

Francisco Freire, sem afiliação

Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade de Coimbra. Mestre em Filosofia pelo Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum de Roma. Licenciado em Filosofia pela Faculdade Batista Brasileira. Bacharel em Teologia pelo Instituto de Ciências Religiosas. Possui experiência no ensino e pesquisa em Filosofia e Teologia, com ênfase em Ética, Filosofia Política, Filosofia do Direito e História da Filosofia.


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