
  • Fernando Schell Pereira Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS




Pragmatic, Religion, Belief, Right to veganism, Subjective value


What we mean by ethical veganism could be confused in the broad religious sense? Can we regard belief systems as parallels to right-to-belief outcomes without the possible negative consequences to principles of an intrinsic animal ethics? The article aims to emphasize earmarks about the parallel search for the claim to rights to veganism as an extension of a human right. In constant questioning whether there is a need for legal earmarks to adherents of ethical veganism as a guarantee of non-discrimination for their consumption behaviors or boycott of products and services that involve non-human animals. By following this narrow line between gains by rights to secular belief, there’s still the margin for a necessary self-criticism of its adherents about a possible problem arising from the subjective motivations that precede the consideration for animals. By revealing the claim for rights to veganism, would the adepts be perpetuating the animal condition, in an unintentional way, as a support for their subjective motivations?


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