


Ludwik Fleck, Thomas Kuhn, history of physics, information theory


This paper discusses how the work of the Polish microbiologist Ludwik Fleck contains answers to the longings and problems present in the work of Thomas Kuhn, particularly the notion of incommensurability between paradigms. We also discuss a possible role for Fleck's works in constructing a theoretical framework based on biology, as Kuhn longed for in his last writings. Finally, we illustrate the value of Fleckian epistemology by analysing the historical episode of the development of the information theory in different scientific communities during the first half of the twentieth century: Bell Laboratories and the cybernetics group in the United States of America and European group. Thus seeking conclusions about the role of Fleck's work in an epistemology of biological matrix, that is, one that follows an evolutionary model, and not a revolutionary one, of scientific making.


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Author Biography

Cibelle Celestino Silva, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Possui graduação em Física pela Universidade de São Paulo, mestrado e doutorado em Física pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas, na área de História da Física. É professora do Instituto de Física de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo, onde desenvolve pesquisas sobre História da Física e Ensino de Física, professora convidada do Programa de Doctorado en Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales da Universidad Catolica del Maule, Chile e bolsista produtividade do CNPq desde 2013. Coordenou o coordenou o Grupo de História, Teoria e Ensino de Ciências (GHTC) entre 2010 e 2022. 


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