
  • Neyde Maria de Araújo Secretaria Estadual de Educação de Goiás (SEDUC-GO).
  • Andre Vasques Vital Universidade Evangélica de Goiás (UniEVANGELICA)



Anthropocene, Hannah Arendt, Environment, Event


This essay aims to analyze the events in Hannah Arendt and suggest how this concept can help think about the political protagonism of non-humans in the Anthropocene. The analysis seeks, in its hypothesis, to demonstrate how an event notion of time, constituted in an experienced way with non-humans, contributes to thinking about the current moment of the human being on the planet. In this context, labour and technology combine with science to transform the planet's nature and the emergence of events. Three relevant concepts of this transformation are addressed: unpredictability, irresistibility and irrevocability, and intrinsic characteristics of events. As a result of the work, it is expected to update the notion of event and examine how an evental notion of time in Hannah Arendt can contribute to reflecting on the challenges that human beings experience today, where what has been considered nature acquires a more explicit role in the destiny of human beings and their relationship with the world and things.


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