
  • Cláudio Henrique Euripedes de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



Chaos, Science, Culture, Science fiction, Uncertainty


The relationship between philosophy, science, and complexity is a theme explored by thinkers such as Donna Haraway, Isabelle Stengers, and Ilya Prigogine. Thus, the order of the world is perceived through uncertainty, especially from Prigogine's perspective, who views creativity through the theoretical lens of chaos, destabilizing traditional concepts and constructing a cosmology in constant evolution, where stability is a "fluctuating order." Given that understanding encompasses the dual relationship between time through the inference of reversibilities and the irreversibility of time. These characteristics make it a physical and ontological agent of existence, revealing a dynamic and evolving universe. Thus, the nonlinear system ends up destabilizing Newtonian physics thinking and requires probability as a way to understand complexity and unpredictability. Interdisciplinarity and the narrative that constructs knowledge from the junction of philosophy, science, and culture help form a fragmented and localized view of knowledge.



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