The Quality of Life of Elderly Peoplewith Obesity or Overweight


  • Ylkiany Pereira SOUZA Enfermeira Residente em Urgência. Emergência e Trauma pela Universidade de Pernambuco-UPE. Recife. Pernambuco. Brasil.
  • Adriana de Moraes BEZERRA Professora do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade Regional do Cariri – UDI. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Tecnologias em Saúde no SUS (GPTSUS - CNPq). Crato.Ceará. Brasil.
  • Natália Pinheiro FABRÍCIO Professora da Universidade Regional do Cariri. Membro do grupo de pesquisa em Diabetes Mellitus-GPEDIAM. Crato. Ceára. Brasil.
  • Natália Basto Ferreira TAVARES Coordenadora do Curso de Enfermagem-URCA-UDI. Professora da Universidade Regional do Cariri - URCA e Instituto Centro de Ensino Tecnológico - CENTEC /EEEP. Iguatu.Ceará Brasil.
  • Nuno Damácio de Carvalho FÉLIX Doutorando em Enfermagem pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba-UFPB. João Pessoa.Paraíba.Brasil.
  • Maria Corina Amaral VIANA Pró-Reitora Adjunta de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa.Professora Adjunta Universidade Regional do Cariri.Líder Grupo de Pesquisa Tecnologias em Saúde no SUS (GPTSUS - CNPq).Coordenadora Núcleos Evidência (NEV-URCA).Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde (NATS-URCA). Inovação Tecnológica (NIT-URCA). Crato. Ceará. Brasil.
  • Amanda SOARES Mestranda em Saúde Pública pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba-UEPB. Campina Grande. Paraíba.Brasil.



Objective: To evaluate the quality of life of elderly people with obesity or over weight followed-up at the Primary Care Level. Material and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out from February to May 2016. The data were collected using a socio demographic and clinical form and a specific questionnaire developed by the World Health Organization to evaluate the quality of life of elderly people - World Health Organization Quality of Life Group. Results: The socio demographic results showed a predominance of females (81.48%); with a mean age of 69.70 years (standard deviation = 7.33);low education level (40.74%);married (55.56%); black race (44.44%);and retirees (74.04%). According to anthropometric variables, the majority of females presented moderate obesity (50%), in which 100% of the elderly women were at a very high risk related to abdominal circumference. As for males,40% of the elderly were found to be at a very high risk of abdominal circumference and the majority of them were overweight (60%). The Hip: Waist Ratio showed that 86.36% of the elderly women hadvalueshigherthan85 and 100% of the men had values high erth an 90. The majority of the elderly presented a regular quality of life, with less impairment in the do mains of intimacy, autonomy, functioning of the sensorium and past and present activities, and a greater impairment in the domains of death and dying and social participation. Conclusion: The quality of life was affected in the context that involves the finitude of the being and social integration and interaction. DESCRIPTORS Obesity.Quality of Life.Primary Health Care.Geriatrics.Overweight.Health.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, Y. P., BEZERRA, A. de M., FABRÍCIO, N. P., TAVARES, N. B. F., FÉLIX, N. D. de C., VIANA, M. C. A., & SOARES, A. (2018). The Quality of Life of Elderly Peoplewith Obesity or Overweight. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Da Saúde, 22(2), 155–164.


