International Disaster Law

from centrality in humanitarian response to the formation of international disaster risk reduction duty


  • Délton Winter de Carvalho Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS



International Disaster Law, Disaster Risk Management, Humanitarian Response


Over the past few decades, humanity has experienced a significant increase in the occurrence of natural and anthropogenic disasters, mainly due to climate change and its effects. This situation, due to its several implications in the cosmopolitan society, ends up demanding a new look to the Law. This work explores the understanding of International Law concatenated with disaster risk management (DRM) and, therefore, the concept of Disaster Risk Reduction, through the lens of International Disaster Law (IDL - International Disaster Law). At the same time, if we analyze three important milestones of this movement, they are: Hyogo Action for Disaster Risk Reduction (2005-2015); Outline of Articles for the Protection of People in Disaster Events of the International Law Commission (2016); Sendai Action for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030). The growing concern for the regulation of disaster prevention and response at the international level ends up producing standards that reflect and assist in the design of national strategies to reduce physical or anthropogenic impacts on their communities, their economies and their environment.


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Author Biography

Délton Winter de Carvalho, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS

Pós-Doutor em Direito Ambiental e dos Desastres, University of California, Berkeley, EUA. Douto
Direito UNISINOS. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da UNISINOS, nível Me
Doutorado. Advogado, Parecerista e Consultor jurídico. Sócio fundador do Délton Carvalho | Dire
Autor de diversos artigos publicados nacional e internacionalmente, sendo ainda autor dos livros
Daniel; CARVALHO, Délton Winter de. Estudos Aprofundados em Direito dos Desastres: interfac
2a ed. Curitiba: Appris, 2019; CARVALHO, Délton Winter de. Gestão Jurídica Ambiental. São Pa
Tribunais, 2017; CARVALHO, Délton Winter de. Desastres ambientais e sua regulação jurídica: d
prevenção, resposta e compensação. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2015; CARVALHO, Délt
Dano ambiental futuro: a responsabilização civil pelo risco. 2a ed. Porto Alegre: Livraria do Advo
CARVALHO, Délton Winter de; DAMACENA, Fernanda Dalla Libera. Direito dos Desastres. Porto
do Advogado, 2013.

