
  • Thales Vital de Lima Almeida UEPB
  • Higor Israel Silva Tavares Dantas UEPB
  • Sabrynna Mykaelly Assis UEPB
  • Hertz Pires Pina Júnior UEPB


Human dignity, constitution, Civil law, Legal System


For the Brazilian legal system, The dignity of the human person is a theme often used to analyze various judicial cases. It is known that this principle is expressed in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, as well as in international treaties, however, its broad and imprecise concept has always been the subject of discussion about its usability. Thus, this article seeks to elucidate the concept of dignity and the generating factor that identifies it as an existential minimum and the guide of the national legislative and jurisdictional process, connected to the principle of autonomy and the conceptualization of the maximum norm. Initially the text explains how the idealization dignity of the human person was constructed, forthwith it’s appearance in the constitution and importance, in order to make possible to discuss the ambiguity of the interpretation, so finally the application in Brazil as in real cases could be possible  on the subsequents sections. In conclusion, the dignity of the human person translates in the search for equality, respecting the human integrity, and that’s why it must be the starting point for search the common good.


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How to Cite

de Lima Almeida, T. V., Israel Silva Tavares Dantas, H., Mykaelly Assis, S., & Pires Pina Júnior, H. . (2024). O PRINCÍPIO DA DIGNIDADE DA PESSOA HUMANA COMO NORTEADOR DO ORDENAMENTO JURÍDICO BRASILEIRO. Revista Ratio Iuris, 3(1), 395–402. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/rri/article/view/69060