
Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies has extended the deadline for paper submissions concerning call for papers Volume 6. In order to have your paper submitted and evaluated for this number, please upload your manuscript through scandia Journal online portal no later than September 30, 2023. This is already the extended deadline and therefore works submitted after this period will not be considered for taking part in the current volume.
The sixth edition of Scandia Journal is currently accepting papers involving any area or field of Norse studies regarding Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia: History, Literature, Archaeology, Politics, Mythology, Religion, Gender, Arts, Reception and others. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches will be most welcome. Contributions are accepted in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Submissions must be sent no later than September 30, 2023 through the website:

Scandia: Journal of Medieval Norse Studies (ISSN: 2595-9107) is published by NEVE – Nucleus of Vikings and Scandinavian Studies, and it fosters approaches to Old Norse Studies, mainly the Viking Age. Published works include many perspectives from the Human Sciences concerning journal’s general field of research, especially those regarding Mythology, Religion, History, Literature, and Archaeology. The authors must possess at least a Master’s degree and the journal does not charge any fees in order to publish any material.

The journal is indexed in NSD (Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers); IBICT/Diadorim (ISSN: 2595-9107); REDIB: Red Iberoamerica de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico; Latindex;; Sumá; Diadorim; IBICT; ARLIMA (Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge); Bibliothekssystem Universität Hamburg; Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig; and Biblioteca Central da Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México (UNAM). The journal is also included in queries in Google Scholar.