
Call for papers, Scandia 5, 2022

The fifth edition of Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies is currently accepting papers from the fields of History, Archaeology, Mythology, Literature, Religion and Arts focusing on the Viking Age or Medieval Scandinavia. Submissions must be sent no later than April 30, 2022 through the website:

Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies (ISSN: 2595-9107) is indexed in several Web Portals, Libraries and Centers for Research Data:

IBICT/Diadorim: ISSN: 2595-9107; NSD (Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers) ITAR code: 1030494; Deutsche National Bibliothek/Zeitschriften datenbank: 2963084-8, IDN: 1178429377; REDIB: Red Iberoamerica de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico; WorldCat: N. OCLC: 1088338143; Sumá; Latindex: F.: 27127; Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg: ZDB-Number: 2963084-8; Google Scholar; (Nordic and Scandinavian studies around the world); ARLIMA (Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge); Google Scholar; Academia.Edu.

  • Call for Papers: Scandia n. 7 (Free Article Section), 2024


    Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies n. 7 also accepts articles not dealing with this dossier’s subject matter (Viking Age Archaeology) to be included in the free article section (the deadline is the same: August 30, 2024). The free article section accepts papers involving any area or field of Norse Studies regarding the Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia: History, Literature, Archaeology, Politics, Mythology, Religion, Gender, Arts, Reception and others. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches will be most welcome. Contributions are accepted in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Submissions must be sent no later than August 30, 2024, through the website:

    Read more about Call for Papers: Scandia n. 7 (Free Article Section), 2024
  • Call For Papers: Viking Age Archaeology, Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies 7, 2024


    Deadline: August 30, 2024.

    Archaeological studies stand as a paramount domain in the exploration of the Viking Age, shaping a comprehensive understanding of the Viking Age. Since its inception, marked by the pioneering field research and publications by Jens Jacob Asmussen Worsaae in the 19th century, our knowledge regarding Old Scandinavian society, its material culture, and artistic heritage has evolved significantly. The unearthing of the Gokstad and Oseberg ships in Norway, spanning the period from 1880 to 1905, catapulted the Norse narrative onto the global stage. Simultaneously, the impactful excavation of L'Anse aux Meadows in Canada during the 1960s contributed substantially to the widespread fascination with Vikings in the media.

    Read more about Call For Papers: Viking Age Archaeology, Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies 7, 2024
  • New issue of Scandia Journal: Volume 6, 2023

    Editorial note, Johnni Langer
    “Ok hugða ek þat args aþal!”: queerness in Old Norse society and myths, Jess Nevins
    Traduire l’Edda: les traductions de l’Edda Poétique en langue française; méthodes, pratiques et limitations, Lyonel Perabo
    Movilidad, comunidad y contacto cultural: roles y participación de las mujeres en la construcción, reproducción y transmisión de la identidad diaspórica vikinga, Elías Carballido
    Storsjöodjuret: una solución al enigma de la serpiente-monstruo del lago Storsjön, en Jamtlund (Suécia), José Alfredo González Celdrán
    O corpo (im)penetrável: magia e imagem hegemônica do corpo na Escandinávia medieval, Victor Hugo Sampaio Alves
    Nas garras das serpentes: um estudo iconológico da pedra rúnica U 629, Leandro Vilar Oliveira
    Considerações sobre a recepção dos normandos no romantismo francês (século XIX), Renan Perozini
    Mythology and Pre-christian norse religions: an interview with Terry A. Gunnell, Terry Gunnell
    A new and in-depth anthology on the female ritual specialists of the Viking Age: The norse sorceress (Gardela; Bønding; Pentz), Victor Hugo Sampaio Alves
    From reformation to the welfare state: Scandinavia since 1500 (B. Nordstrom), Vítor Bianconi Menini
    Vikings in North America: American Vikings (M. Whittock), Leandro Vilar Oliveira
    Um novo paradigma: The myths and realities of the viking berserkr (R. Dale), Monicy Araujo
    O paganismo nórdico no Brasil: Deus para mim é Odin (S. Tsugami), Andréa Gomes
    A mulher nórdica em foco: O mito da mulher guerreira (L. Campos), Thaïs Matos Barbosa
    Uma nova visão dos Sámi: Lapponia (V. Menini), Guilherme Garcia Galego
    Estudando as crenças pré-cristãs: As religiões nórdicas da Era Viking (J. Langer), Glezia Alves de Melo

    Read more about New issue of Scandia Journal: Volume 6, 2023


    Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies has extended the deadline for paper submissions concerning call for papers Volume 6. In order to have your paper submitted and evaluated for this number, please upload your manuscript through scandia Journal online portal no later than September 30, 2023. This is already the extended deadline and therefore works submitted after this period will not be considered for taking part in the current volume.
    The sixth edition of Scandia Journal is currently accepting papers involving any area or field of Norse studies regarding Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia: History, Literature, Archaeology, Politics, Mythology, Religion, Gender, Arts, Reception and others. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches will be most welcome. Contributions are accepted in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Submissions must be sent no later than September 30, 2023 through the website:

    Scandia: Journal of Medieval Norse Studies (ISSN: 2595-9107) is published by NEVE – Nucleus of Vikings and Scandinavian Studies, and it fosters approaches to Old Norse Studies, mainly the Viking Age. Published works include many perspectives from the Human Sciences concerning journal’s general field of research, especially those regarding Mythology, Religion, History, Literature, and Archaeology. The authors must possess at least a Master’s degree and the journal does not charge any fees in order to publish any material.

    The journal is indexed in NSD (Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers); IBICT/Diadorim (ISSN: 2595-9107); REDIB: Red Iberoamerica de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico; Latindex;; Sumá; Diadorim; IBICT; ARLIMA (Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge); Bibliothekssystem Universität Hamburg; Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig; and Biblioteca Central da Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México (UNAM). The journal is also included in queries in Google Scholar.

  • Call for papers: Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies n. 6. Deadline: july 31, 2023.


    The sixth edition of Scandia Journal is currently accepting papers involving any area or field of Norse studies regarding Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia: History, Literature, Archaeology, Politics, Mythology, Religion, Gender, Arts, Reception and others. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches will be most welcome. Contributions are accepted in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Submissions must be sent no later than July 31, 2023. All formatting and structure details for articles are available at this link: 

    Read more about Call for papers: Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies n. 6. Deadline: july 31, 2023.
  • New issue of Scandia Journal: Volume 5, 2022


    Twelve articles make up the new edition: seven in English, one in Italian, in addition to four in Portuguese:

    The edition features a valuable interview with the scholar Thomas A. DuBois (University of Wisconsin Madison), Northern European folklore and religion, which presents us with a detailed overview of his investigations regarding various aspects of the beliefs of the Medieval Norse world.

    The edition also features an Old Norse to French translation of the Eddic poem Hrafnagaldur Óðins, by Lyonel Perabo (Tromsø University Museum) and six Nordic-themed book and film reviews, all in Portuguese.

    We thank all reviewers who contributed to this edition. In addition, we would like to invite interested researchers to send contributions for the next edition, scheduled for 2023.

    Read more about New issue of Scandia Journal: Volume 5, 2022
  • Scandia call for papers vol. 5: Deadline for submissions extended


    Scandia - Journal of Medieval Norse Studies has extended the deadline for paper submissions concerning call for papers Volume 5. In order to have your paper submitted and evaluated for this number, please upload your manuscript through SJMNS’s online portal no later than July 31, 2022. This is already the extended deadline and therefore works submitted after this period will not be considered for taking part in the current volume.

    The fifth edition of Scandia - Journal of Medieval Norse Studies is accepting papers concerning any area of Norse studies regarding Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia, be it from the fields of History, Literature, Archaeology, Politics, Mythology, Religion, Gender, Arts or others. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches are most welcome. Contributions are accepted in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Submissions must be sent no later than July 31, 2022 through the website:

    Read more about Scandia call for papers vol. 5: Deadline for submissions extended
  • Call for papers, Scandia 5, 2022


    The fifth edition of Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies is currently accepting papers involving any area or field of Norse studies regarding Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia: History, Literature, Archaeology, Politics, Mythology, Religion, Gender, Arts and others. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches will be most welcome. Contributions are accepted in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Submissions must be sent no later than April 30, 2022 through the website:


    Read more about Call for papers, Scandia 5, 2022
  • Clarification note: Free thematic session - Thematic Dossier


    In order to avoid any misunderstanding we would like to state that the fourth edition of Scandia - Journal of Medieval Norse Studies (4, 2021) is currently open to submissions regarding both free themes involving Nordic Studies (articles section) and related to the thematic dossier (which in this number is Norse Myths in Artistic Reception). They are separate sections.

    We would also like to remember that the date for submitting proposals is the same in any of the cases, which is until July 31, 2021.

    Read more about Clarification note: Free thematic session - Thematic Dossier
  • Call for papers: free thematic session, Scandia 4, 2021


    Call for papers: free thematic session, Scandia 4, 2021 - Deadline: July 31, 2021

    The fourth edition of Scandia is going to present free thematic session of articles and reviews. It will, therefore, accept papers involving any area or field of Norse studies regarding Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia: History, Literature, Archaeology, Politics, Mythology, Religion, Gender, and others. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches will be most welcome. Contributions are accepted in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. All proposals must be submitted no later than July 31, 2021, through the website.

    Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies (ISSN: 2595-9107) is indexed in several Web Portals, Libraries and Centers for Research Data:

    IBICT/Diadorim: ISSN: 2595-9107; NSD (Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers) ITAR code: 1030494; Deutsche National Bibliothek/Zeitschriften datenbank: 2963084-8, IDN: 1178429377; REDIB: Red Iberoamerica de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico; WorldCat: N. OCLC: 1088338143; Sumá; Latindex: F.: 27127; Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg: ZDB-Number: 2963084-8; Google Scholar; (Nordic and Scandinavian studies around the world); ARLIMA (Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge); Google Scholar; Academia.Edu.

    Read more about Call for papers: free thematic session, Scandia 4, 2021
  • Call for papers: dossier - Norse Myths in the Artistic Reception, Scandia 4, 2021.



    Call for papers: dossier - Norse Myths in the Artistic Reception, Scandia 4, 2021. 

    Norse myths represent one of the greatest cultural legacies from ancient Scandinavia. Throughout history, they have been perpetuated, re-signified and transformed by a great variety of artistic means, from their use on doors of Churches in the Middle Ages to modern depictions in today’s media. Some of our contemporary interpretations of such myths depend, to a greater extent, on different images that have been created in the past. 

    We invite researchers to present proposals on any of the different supporting materials, techniques and artistic means, from the period that dates back to the Viking Age up to the present day. The Medieval period produced several artifacts and works of material culture that establish some relations between image and orality in myths, such as pendants, tapestries and sculptures, while spaces of Christianity reveal moments of hybridization and religious interpretations (in Church doors, for instance). After the 16th century, many publications and manuscripts started to present a close relationship between text and image, eliciting various situations in which these myths were used as part of ideologies of identity and antiquarianism. After the Nordic Renaissance, images of these myths were frequently and intensively used, becoming one of the main means of expression of Romantic Nationalism in several European countries (K. Ljøgodt, “Northern Gods in Marble", 2012), that were presented in great paintings, public sculptures, theatrical productions, dramas and operas. The 19th century was fundamental for the modern definition of certain iconic categories regarding mythology, a topic that is still full of investigative possibilities, especially for Scandinavism (T. van Gerven, Scandinavism overlapping and competing identities in the Nordic world, 2020). Later, other types of media tried to further popularize Norse narratives, such as comics, cinema and electronic games. 

    Although some major publications have brought several analytical proposals (such as The Pre-Christian Religions of the North: Research and Reception, vol. 1 and 2, 2018), the study of the artistic reception of Norse myths is still a field calling out for new investigations and proposals. We invite the proponents to bring perspectives involving both reception studies and iconographic perspectives, theories of visual culture or artistic analysis methodologies. 

    The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2021, and they must be done via the website:

    The dossier will be organized by Professor Johnni Langer (UFPB/NEVE).

    Scandia Journal will also accept articles not dealing with this dossier’s subject matter for inclusion in the free section (the deadline is the same). 

    Read more about Call for papers: dossier - Norse Myths in the Artistic Reception, Scandia 4, 2021.