Sistemas de Relações de Trabalho Comparados: a Visão dos Empregadores sobre Direitos Trabalhistas no Brasil e na Argentina
Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze the perception of Argentine executives who work in Brazil and of Brazilian executives who work in Argentina on the labor rights provided for in the labor relations systems of Latin American countries. Methodology: A qualitative case study was developed involving interviews with twenty executives who participate in the Brazilian and Argentine labor relations systems. Results: The results show that the SRTs of Brazil and Argentina are similar in several aspects related to the legal dimension of the systems, although they also have particularities. Both have very high rates of informality, that is, workers who are not subject to any regulation. Argentina and Brazil are countries that have been moving towards a more flexible working relationship and, in this sense, Brazil is more advanced. Academic contributions: although the theme "labor relations" is widely researched in national and international studies, little research has compared the systems of labor relations between countries, especially in Latin America. And, generally, such studies investigate the phenomenon from the point of view of the State and the Worker, being rare the researches that include the perspective of the third actor: the employer. Practical contributions: This study provides a comparative view on the legal dimension of the labor relations systems in Argentina and Brazil, a relevant perspective for the various actors impacted by the work systems, be they employers, employees, unions and the State.