About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Aufklärung, ISSN 2318-9428, journal of philosophy, DOI: 10.18012/ARF, has focus on the publication of articles, reviews, translations, academic interviews and essays in the area of Philosophy, following to the imperative of making all clear the submission process by authors with clearness and transparency, without forgetting professionalism and ethics to promote high quality scientific manuscripts in its area. It addresses to professors and students of philosophy, related areas and all those interested in its themes. Aufklärung doesn't distinguish line or thinking direction. It's open as communicative and public place for free debate of ideas, believing that they're seminal to philosophical point of view elsewhere.

Peer Review Process

This is a "peer reviwed" journal and it follows the double blind review process. According to this process, the article is evaluated by two reviewers, considering the compliments of the global editorial policies of the journal and particular sessions's policies. The article is made blinded, avoiding any electronical identification, and it is sent by OJS system or by e.mail to two experts on the theme. From this can results "passed", "unpassed" and "passed with accomodations suggested/mandatory". If the result it's a draw, the article is sent to a third reviewer for decision. Based on that, the journal decides for publishing or not the article, considering items as originality, scientific relevance and merit specifically inside the area of the journal, and can schedule it for future editions. Articles from invited authors (honored) don't follow the blind review process. Unpassed articles must not to resubmit to the journal.

Publication Frequency

Frequency: Biannual.
Date of Editions: each April and October.
Article submission: continuous.
* In addition, at any time thematic issues could be published, under account of the journal comitee, and / or under special editors, as result of events of academic expression that justify that issue.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content under the principle that making research freely available to the public knowledge provides largest worldwide democratization of knowledge. Aufklärung offers free and unrestricted access to users, not requiring previous registration to readings of published content. It is ruled under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Abstracting and Indexing


    • IBICT :: Instituto Brasileiro de Ciência e Tecnologia
    • ABEC - BRASIL :: Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos
    • PERIÓDICOS UFPB :: Portal de Periódicos Científicos da UFPB
    • PERIÓDICOS CAPES :: Periódicos Capes
    • SUMÁRIOS.ORG :: Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras
    • DIADORIM :: Diretório de Políticas de Acesso Aberto das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras
    • ANPOF :: Associação Nacional da Pós-Graduação em Filosofia - Brasil
    • REDE CARINIANA :: IBICT - Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
    • OASISBR :: Portal Brasileiro de Acesso Aberto à Informação Científica

    • PHILOSOPHER'S INDEX :: The Philosophers Index - Ohio-USA
    • EDS.Index :: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
    • EBSCO :: EBSCOhost databases company - US-EU
    • WEB OF SCIENCE™ :: Thomson Reuters
    • CLASE. Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades - Dirección General de Bibliotecas, UNAM
    • BIBLAT :: Bibliografía Latinoamericana
    • CROSSREF :: Association of Scholarly Publishers
    • DOAJ :: Directory of Open Access Journals
    • EBSCO A-TO-Z :: Ebsco Discovery Service
    • LATINDEX :: Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal :
    • DIALNET :: Fundación DIALNET - Universidad de La Rioja, España
    • INDEX COPERNICUS :: Index copernicus international
    • E-REVISTAS :: Plataforma Open Access de Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas
    • GOOGLE.ACADEMICO :: Google Acadêmico
    • OAJI :: Open Access Journals Index - Russia
    • DRJI :: Directory of Research Journal Indexing - India
    • MIAR ;: Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journal
    • SHERPA-RoMEO :: Publisher copyright policies for EU
    • CATALOGO-MEZQUITA :: Biblioteca Universitária-Universidad de Córdoba - AR
    • WorldWideScience.org :: The Global Science Gateway
    • COPAC :: Worlwide catalog of The University of Manchester - UK
    • SUDOC CATALOGUE - França
    • WORLDCAT :: Worldwide library catalog - USA
    • OAI DataServer :: OAI-PMH Data provider registered
    • SSOAR :: Social Science Open Access Repository
    • BASE :: Bielefeld Academic Research Engine - DE
    • OAIster :: The world's Libraries Connected - Database
    • OAI-PMH-2.0 :: Open Archives Initiative Archievement
    • UNIVERSIA :: Biblioteca Universia
    • SSKS :: Social Services Knowledge Scotland
    • uOTTAWA :: Bibliotèque uOtawa - SFX by Ex Libris Inc.
    • WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMIINARY :: Western Theological Seminary
    • Opens Science Directory:: Open Science Directory
    • ZBD Alemanha :: Zeitschriftendatenbank
    • WZB :: Universitäts Bibliotek Leipzig
    • ZB MED :: Leibniz Information Centre for Life Sciences - EU
    • GENAMICS :: Genamics JournalSeek
    • USI :: Biblioteca universitaria di Lugano - IT
    • PIE :: Publication Integrity & Ethics - BE
    • CRUE-REBIUN :: Red de Bilbiotecas Universitarias - ES
    • UC :: Biblioteca Mesquita - AR
    • HEAL-lINK :: Helenic Academic Libraries Link - GR
    • UTEP :: University Library - The University of Texas at El Paso



Publication Charges (APCs)

This journal is Full Open-Access.  Full Open-Access doesn't mean, nevertheless, "free of costs". Despite that, have in mind that some people work hard in order to produce high quality contents to make available for free for all.

Even having costs, the journal doesn't apply charges for submission articles or article processing (APC) according to its normal deadlines.

Notice: Normal deadlines for review of articles last about 6 weeks, thinking that we work with free work form contributors for good will. So, if authors or institutions need lesser deadlines for review of articles, this must to be charged from. Please get in touch with the editor for prices.


Aiming to offer transparency to its policies applied to authors and general users, this journal works with ombudsman service. This service, when neccessary, will be put in action through a commitee of 3 members choosen among the editorial board by the managing editor for resolving questions when authors show some malpractice of the journal during the application of an article. It can be used for resolving copyright misusing by authors at any time of the publishing, considering the limitation of the plagiarism machines.

Requisites of using: a) author is each person that applies an article for evaluation, even the article wasn't published. b)any malpractice of the journal can be reclaimed, from the submission process up to the result of the blind review process. Even the case of misusing or not enough or explicit credit by the journal of any copyrighted work. Please reclaim to the managing editor describing the case to the e.mail bellow. c)in the subject field please specify the straight subject for fast processing. Eg. Reclaiming. d)further information can be requested to the autor of the reclaiming by the commitee designated for judging the case. f)Notification of reception: 48 hours maximum. e)Resolution: 3 months maximum.

Plagiarism policy

This journal adheres to the iThenticate (TM) plagiarism machine to verify the authenticity of papers.


This Journal is published with no govermmental funds. It's sponsored only with own funds up to this date [May, 2016]. Hosting services are made available by UFPB Central Server.

Sources of Support

Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Guilherme Ataíde e Team of PPGCI/UFPB for the great job with the Portal de Periódicos UFPB, by providing technical support in the right time. Thank you very much!

Journal History

The GP Critical Theory and Hermeneutics [GPTeCH], an Academic Research Group, is characterized by researchs, colloquiums and academic congresses in the area of the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School. From the richness of themes and authors, by understanding in your critical interfaces, and the production of academic works from these activities, it was necessary to create an owner and specialized Journal in what we could publish all writings coming from this academic journey and to share our experience with researchers worldwide.

In this sense, Aufklärung becomes both a place to open and public debate to the critical philosophy lovers and critics to philosophy.

Thus Aufklärung opens for publishing scientific work of researchers in philosophy, particularly from UFPB, its origin, but is permanently open to researchers from other institutions in Brazil and the all the world. Among many other journals, Aufklärung brings experience and zeal for the publication of scientific papers in the area it is intended, fulfilling their social role by sharing and democratizing  knowledge.