[Beyond environmental selfishness: contributions of a post-individualist ethics to the ecological issue]
Individualism, Post-individualism, Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Ethics of the FutureAbstract
The purpose of the article is to discuss ethically the problem of ecological challenges in a time of individualistic morality. A philosophical production with these characteristics is justified by the possible ethical contribution in the face of the imminence of a global environmental crisis that can cause irreparable damage to nature, severe aggravation of social problems and seriously impair the quality of life for future generations. For this purpose, the issue addressed here can be translated through the following central questions: How does an individualistic moral scenario impact on the issue of our ethical-environmental responsibility? Is it possible to think of a philosophical contribution to overcome the problems arising from this situation? To achieve its objectives, the present work dialogues philosophically with Hans Jonas' theory of Responsibility Ethics. After a presentation on the insufficiency of individualism for the theme of ecological responsibility, the article maintains, as a proposal to contribute to the confrontation of this serious adversity, the need for a moral discourse that surpasses individualism, a post-individualist discourse, and raises questions relevant ethics focused on the future.
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