The state of exception as an essential element of the concept of nation-state, the field and contemporary neo-deads
Exception state, biopolitics, medical powerAbstract
This article has as its theoretical framework the studies of Giorgio Agamben, starting his analysis of the classic concept of the nation-state, configuring the field as a new essential element of this type, understanding the state of exception not as the classic suspension of the temporary regulation, but rather as a displaced location in territorial space, which should be understood as a government technique. This technique is present nowadays in democratic states even though the state of exception is not openly stated. The article analyzes the right to life and death of those who are inserted in this displaced space as a central issue of biopolitics, as medical science redefines the concept of death, brain death or death, finding that life and death has moving borders. The fusion between medicine and politics is found to be one of the essential features of modern biopolitics, where there is an exchange of roles in which the physician decides as much as the sovereign once decided. Finally, it is suggested that one cannot lose sight of the fact that the field and the state of exception are always virtually present and that scientific knowledge can at any time be used by state power, with the risks inherent in the convenience of the government.
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