Matematização da Natureza: do século XVI ao XVIII




Matematização da natureza., Galileu Galilei., Revolução científica.


This work weaves a timeline of the changes suffered in relation to the way of viewing science and mathematics throughout the 16th and 18th centuries. Transitions between Aristotelian science and modern science are addressed. In the interval in question, there were different traditions of thought, the inclusion of numbers in scientific thought, the Baconian experimental tradition, naturalistic beliefs, the so-called scientific revolution and the universalization of mechanical laws, the mathematization of nature and the unification of what we call mathematical physics. From this historical and philosophical overview, it can be seen that science and mathematics have undergone substantial mutations throughout their historical constructions, in order to make nature mathematized.


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Author Biography

Camila Maria Sitko, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará

Professora no Instituto de Ciências Exatas da Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará. Doutora em Ensino de Ciências. Currículo Lattes:


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How to Cite

Sitko, C. M. (2021). Matematização da Natureza: do século XVI ao XVIII . Aufklärung, 8(1), p.33–46.