Tomás de Aquino: the medieval world that was already concerned with human rights
Tomás de Aquino, Filosofia, Direitos HumanosAbstract
The objective of the present study is to present the concept of human rights and, thus, to construct a brief reflection on this theme in the work of Tomás de Aquino. The study is guided mainly by the analysis of specific parts of the Summa Theológica. It deals with the discussion, developed by Tomás de Aquino, about natural law and the human person. For the scholastic, it is only possible to think, in the field of cosmoethics, of a human person if, before this one, there is the divine person. The human being has a double responsibility: he is responsible for the world and for nature and must guarantee the respect, integrity and dignity of human life. Finally, it is stated that the themes of natural law and human dignity, developed by Tomás de Aquino, are one of the modern foundations of human rights.
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