Sacred and transcendence: philosophical and spirit discurs


  • Salim Mokaddem Université de Montpellier/Lirdef–Faculté d’éducation



Spiritual discourse, opinion, truth, transcendence, sacred, ethics and metaphysics


Philosophy is historically a theoretical as well as a theoretical practice and activity. However, in its history, it was forced, for reasons internal and external to its history and its disciplinary form, as much as to its epistemological regime, to distinguish itself from both theology and mysticism or the spirituality. However, it was defined in its genealogy as a metaphysics or a science of being and truth. How are transcendence and the sacred articulated in philosophical praxis? What role does the relationship to oneself and to tell the truth play in philosophical activity? What place does the history of truth and the ontology of the self constitute in the production of truths in philosophy? And, finally, what does the subject of philosophical action have to engage in itself so that it is constantly confronted with registering its being in a practice of truth and knowledge, and, at the same time, incarnating existentially in a logic where freedom and knowledge engage specific and singular forms of life, specific to the philosophical life defined as relation to oneself, to the other, to the world?


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Author Biography

Salim Mokaddem, Université de Montpellier/Lirdef–Faculté d’éducation

Université de Montpellier/Lirdef–Faculté d’éducation


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How to Cite

Mokaddem, S. (2020). Sacred and transcendence: philosophical and spirit discurs. Aufklärung, 7(esp), p.11–16.