The concept of patience in Kierkegaard
Self, Patience, World, Transcendence, Self-transcendenceAbstract
Our aim in this article is to analyze the concept of patience in Kierkegaard as presented in the Upbuilding_Discourses Acquire your soul in patience (1843) and Preserve your soul in patience (1844). We show how the concept of patience involves a peculiar understanding of the Self (Selv) and how a relationship between patience and the eternal is articulated there. In this way, we open a broader reading perspective that inserts the specific debate about patience in a more general discussion about the concept of transcendence. We show the link that exists between patience, as a human experience of self-transcendence, and the eternal, as absolute transcendence. The self that is acquired and preserved in patience is placed in a situation of self-transcendence, that is, it is removed from its self-centered position and freed from its attachment to itself and the world. In other words, what patience reveals to us is that the conformity of the self to its own measure depends, above all, on a displacement that surpasses the self-fixed worldview of the Ego.
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