Analyst's Limit Situation: a Sartrean Critique of Psychoanalysis in L'homme au Magnétophone




existencial phenomenology, existencial psychoanalysis, empathy


This article intends to develop an analysis about the limit situation in the analysand/analyst relationship through an analysis of the article L'homme au Magnétophone contained in Situations IX: Mélanges by Jean-Jacques Abrahams. In this text, published in the journal Le Temps Moderns, a controversial case is presented where an analysand (“A”) was frustrated with his analyst (“Dr. X”) because, after 18 years of analysis, the promise of a “cure” is still had not been achieved. During the clash, “A” accuses Dr. X of, throughout his analysis, having instituted control over his life and that, instead of curing him, he only aggravated the “madness” he sought to treat. For this debate we will bring Sartre's work, focusing on the existential psychoanalysis project, Sartre's proposal for the revision of psychoanalysis; bad faith, a self-referential structure that can be seen as an “intimate lie”; the violence of intersubjective behaviors in the analysand/analyst relationship and the limits of this relationship.


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Author Biography

Diego Rodstein Rodrigues, Universidade do Vale do Paraíba

Doutorado em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2019). Atualmente é coordenador do curso de graduação em História da Universidade do Vale do Paraíba. Tem experiência na área de Filosofia, com ênfase em Fenomenologia, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: fenomenologia, filosofia francesa, psicanalise e existencialismo. E-mail para contato:


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How to Cite

Rodstein Rodrigues, D. (2022). Analyst’s Limit Situation: a Sartrean Critique of Psychoanalysis in L’homme au Magnétophone. Aufklärung, 9(1), p.171–182.