The name and the act of namaing: the recognition of the other em Benjamin and Levinas




Name, language, totalization, recognition


This paper aims to reflect on the name and the act of naming. The reflection on these two points takes place in two perspectives: at first, we will try to show that to name means to recognize and that to have a name is to have an identity. For this moment Benjamin will be fundamental. In a second step, we intend to show that the name may become a totalizing element of identity, insofar as the meaning that accompanies it tends to be seen as the total meaning of the person who owns it. Levinas will be fundamental at that moment, especially to show that, often, in view of the possible totalizing element of the name, the act of naming is more important than the name itself.  


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Author Biography

Giovan Longo, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutorando em filosofia pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS. Bolsista CAPES.


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How to Cite

Longo, G. (2022). The name and the act of namaing: the recognition of the other em Benjamin and Levinas. Aufklärung, 9(1), p.55–66.