Properties of rhizomes as the essence of planetary-complex colonial research
Rhizomes, Planetary Decoloniality, Properties, BreakupsAbstract
Under the intentionality that leads to promoting the liberation of the oppressed in global coloniality, considering planetary decoloniality as the urgency of complexity as transmethod, in the present investigation from rhizomatic deconstruction as a transmethod, the properties of rhizomes are analyzed as the essence of planetary-complex decolonial investigations; That is the complex objective of the investigation. It is framed in the lines of research: education-transcomplex transepistemologies and transepistemologies of knowledge-knowledge and transcomplex transmethodologies. In the reconstruction, the philosophical significances of the properties of the rhizomes are specified: connection and heterogeneity, multiplicity, asignifying rupture and cartography and decal we obtain contributions in complex planetary investigations with an anti-method criticality that is deeply complex and transdisciplinary in the anti-Eurocentrist project. We have reconciled the complex conceptions that were occurring in postcolonialism that perspectives of theoretical articulation between transmodern decolonial criticism with the reflections of Michel Foucault, Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze as possible collaborations in the liberating mission of planetary decoloniality.
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