Intentionality and constitution of meaning: Umwelterlebnis as an intentional structure of philosophy without a transcendental subject




intentionality, phenomenology, constitution, meaning


I argue that the concept of Umwelterlebnis in Heidegger's 1919 text The idea of philosophy and the problem of worldview, concerns the intentional structure of a philosophy without a transcendental subject. I argue, however, that the model of this intentional structure involves the author in the problem of the constitution of meaning as in the project of phenomenology as an original science.


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Author Biography

Christiane Costa de Matos Fernandes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro -UFRJ

Graduada em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais- UFMG (2009); Mestre em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais -UFMG (2016) e Doutora em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro- UFRJ (2022


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How to Cite

Costa de Matos Fernandes, C. (2023). Intentionality and constitution of meaning: Umwelterlebnis as an intentional structure of philosophy without a transcendental subject. Aufklärung, 9(3), p.31–50.