Reinterpreting democratic polis: the tension of justice in Oedipous’ investigation
polis, tragedy, conflict, dikeAbstract
The objective is to analyze some connected interpretations about the tension between two conceptions of díke in Oedipus the King. As tragedies occupied a privileged role in the Greek polis, it may be said that the tragic presentations were a political institution. It also may be said that the pieces reflected the conflict between an established set of traditional values and the new democratic order. Such tension could be found in the investigation promoted by Oedipus, and it is manifested by two forms of justice, that is, justice defined by its divine origin and human justice. Firstly, this article describes the relationship between tragedy and the polis; next, it points the conflict expressed in democratic experience and reflected in tragedy; finally, it examines the possible rational articulation between traditional díke and its human counterpart.
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