Nihilism portrayed in the characters of Camus




absurdity, suicide, murder, nihilism, revolt


The aim of this article is to argue about the nihilistic experiences of Camus's characters, and to demonstrate that Camus's essayistic reflection on the themes of absurdity, suicide, murder, nihilism and revolt are effectively worked out in the novel and theater that complement each other within the fabric of Camus's cyclical work. To this end, an analysis will be carried out mainly on the works: The Adulterous Woman (short story), which brings a reflection on the negation of life; escape and negation in the short story Jonas or the artist at work; The Stranger (novel), in which the question of the absurd and nihilism is widely worked on; The Plague (novel), observed here in the context of murderous consent and nihilism or revolt and refusal; and finally, Caligula (theater), a drama that expresses absurd reasoning taken to its ultimate consequences within a nihilistic perspective. The analysis showed that the characters who express such nihilistic experiences, at some point, come up against the absurd, and each responds in a different way to this encounter: some remain in nihilism; others turn to suicide as a living death; others to murder; and still others fight the plague and, in a way, try to overcome the problem.


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Author Biography

Michelle Ferreira de Lima, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Doutoranda em Filosofia pela PUCPR, bolsista CAPES com pesquisa em Nietzsche e Camus: "A Arte como superação do Niilismo". Mestra em Filosofia pela PUC PR (2022), bolsista CAPES com pesquisa intitulada "A Estética da Revolta em Albert Camus", vinculada a linha de pesquisa Ética e Filosofia Política. Graduada em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (2018). Durante a graduação realizou pesquisas de iniciação científica sobre a filosofia de Soren Kierkegaard. Desenvolveu prática de docência na graduação em Filosofia, na disciplina de Filosofia Contemporânea (PUCPR - 2022). Artista plástica com ênfase em pintura acadêmica nos períodos: Renascentismo, Romantismo e Realismo.


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How to Cite

Ferreira de Lima, M. (2025). Nihilism portrayed in the characters of Camus. Aufklärung, 11(3), p.133–148.


