ARCHAEOLOGICAL REMAINS AS SOURCES OF INFORMATION: secrets of the past transcribed in primitive media


  • Ingrid Maria Luz Vergolino Zahlouth
  • Rodrigo Oliveira de Paiva


It deals with the relationship between information and archeology. The article presents the objective of understanding the importance of archaeological remains in unraveling the secrets of man's past, the need to know their origins and where it came from having as inputs the information that can be transcribed in the brackets that are written symbols of ancient civilizations. The methodological approach adopted was accomplished through an exploratory bibliographical based on ideas of authors such as Azevedo Netto (2008) and Baker (2010), without giving the views of other thinkers on the subject addressed in the work. Ends understand the existence of the direct link between archaeological artifacts and historical information, considering that the man in antiquity already had a need for communication and used various means to establish this, but in addition, buildings and other elements that still haunt this theme, the lack of information about primitive societies, deserve to be studied to try to achieve answers to the questions of the past history of human beings. It is believed that these questions was more touched that emerged archeology that will address its activities in the past for the origin of the many identities of humanity.


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