A memória teatral e bibliográfica de Pernambuco
relato da criação do Arquivo Leda Alves/ Hermilo Borba Filho na Companhia Editora de Pernambuco
The collection consists of sets of documents with different types such as: books, newspaper clippings, typewritten texts, handwritten texts, correspondence, twine, photographs, personal documentation, posters, plants, personal objects; concerning the Leda Alves and Hermilo Borba Filho, as well as the Pernambucano theater, represented by the Teatro do Estudante de Pernambuco and the Teatro Popular do Nordeste. As an objective, it proposes the development of management and organization of the archive, the documentary typology contained in it, highlighting actions of information organization, preservation, document conservation and digital curation. Considering the nature and the proposed object of study, it uses exploratory research with a quantitative approach and adopts bibliographic/documentary procedures and document analysis as a method, since it describes the characteristics, properties and relationships of the documentary collection of Leda Alves/Hermilo Borba Filho. The methodological procedures adopted in the project are divided into phases and comprise the execution of activities developed within the information science for the preservation and conservation of information and its documentary support. With results, the article aims to make available the information contained in this archive, in order to safeguard and enhance the historical-cultural heritage of the documentation of Leda Alves and Hermilo Borba Filho and the Pernambucano theater.
Keywords: permanent archive; Leda Alves; Hermilo Borba Filho; pernambucano theater; teatro do estudante de Pernambuco; teatro popular do Nordeste.