TEMÁTICA INDÍGENA E EXTENSÃO UNIVERSITÁRIA: um olhar para os editais da Pró-Reitoria de Extensão e Cultura do IFPB
Povos Indígenas, Lei 11.645, Extensão e Cultura, Ensino de SociologiaAbstract
This work emerges from law 11,645, guiding the use of anthropology and sociology as mediators of indigenous theme teaching, being the result of the experiences carried out within the framework of the Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência – PIBID/Sociologia, under the coordination of Rita Santos and Adolfo Wagner. Methodologically, I carry out a mapping of the initiatives of the Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Extensão e Cultura (PROBEX), especially with regard to project edicts between 2014 and 2019. Of all available projects, only ten are linked to indigenous peoples in the Paraíba context: eight are directly inserted with the Potiguara and Tabajara indigenous peoples, in the face of axes such as the environment, the right to citizenship and fostering cultural activities and two others turn to the historical rescue of the importance of indigenous peoples in the formation of Brazil. From our analyses, we note the urgency of expanding institutional promotion when dealing with the indigenous theme multilaterally, from the interfaces of teaching, research and extension. At the same time, the challenges faced by universities and federal institutes in the face of the dismantling of public education after the coup of 2016, intensifying the reduction of the already incipient initiatives of extension focused on indigenous theme.
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