


albinism, diversity in albinism, PWA model, albinism in advertising


Since the beginning of the 21st century, people with albinism (PWA) may be gaining more and more space in the world of fashion and advertising, as well as other minorities; all recognized under the term diversity. This fact can be perceived and received positively by the community of people with albinism, with regard to inclusion and strengthening the feeling of belonging to these spaces. But does the so-called “client”, that is, the one who hires the advertising or even the stylist, really understand and recognize the nature of albinism, or do they have in mind a pre-established stereotype of the person with albinism? This is impossible to affirm in its entirety. The visual essay presented here seeks to illustrate different ways of looking at albinism, with the objective of “breaking the patterns of albinism”, which perhaps may still inhabit the unconscious of fashion and advertising, especially with regard to stereotype.


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Author Biography

Andreza Cavalli, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Sou Andreza Aguida Pereira Cavalli. Ser humano, mulher com albinismo e deficiência visual, atuante na “causa albina” há quinze anos. Formada em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie/Brasil e em Educação Física pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP)/Brasil. Transformada em artista performática, modelo e massoterapeuta. Faço de minha autoimagem e condição, ferramentas de diálogo, reflexão e ressignificação de olhares. Com a massoterapia, o propósito é de ressignificar o olhar que o outro tem para a dor, em amor-próprio e autocuidado. ID Lattes: 2906938325561571.

