ALBINISM AND THE PRODUCTION OF SUBJETIVITY: an analysis of the several aspects that make up the subject




albinism, subjectivity, ableism, public policy


This essay addresses important aspects in the daily lives of people with albinism, such as: disability, prejudice, racial belonging and access to public policies. Aiming to understand how these points have related to the social and individual image of people with albinism and consequently affect the production of subjectivities. Albinism provides the opportunity to discuss several elements beyond biomedical parameters. However, academic publications that cover issues related to the subjectivity of this portion of the population are still rare. From the analysis of bibliographical references, journalistic texts, articles from internet portals, documents and legislation, a discussion was carried out that problematizes universal, hegemonic concepts to theorize about subjectivity. Thus, I look for the essay seeks to guide in this essay the diversity of the experience of people with albinism, listing the adversities, the different realities and the potential of the public in question.



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Author Biography

Tatiana Oliveira Moreira, Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Psicóloga (UFMG). Mestre em Políticas Públicas e Formação Humana pela UERJ (PPFH/UERJ) (2019). Especialização em abordagem psicossocial da adolescência (PUC-Minas). Psicóloga no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, lotada na 2ª Vara da Infância, Juventude e Idoso da capital. Coordenadora do núcleo RJ da Articulação Nacional das Psicólogas(os) Negras(os) e Pesquisadores (ANPSINEP-RJ). Atua há mais de 15 anos em políticas públicas de infância e juventude. Tem também como campo de estudo os temas: relações raciais, deficiência, albinismo e gênero. ID Lattes: 8201303720856111.

