DIGITAL IMAGES AND IMAGINED COMMUNITIES: an analogy between videogames, imperialism and cultural industry




videogame, cultural industry, empire, imagined communities.


This paper approaches the social character of videogames as a gateway to discuss the possibilities of sociological analysis of these objects. The qualitative research that results in the present discussion, begins with a comparison between historical maps and a video game map, than point to the historical context of imperialism that came to be the videogame industry as a part of the Cultural one. Therefore, it takes form Benedict Anderson’s concept of “imagined communities” to identify in a particular game, social forms that correspond to the game industry in general and its relation with the empires war games.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Maia de Oliveira, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)

Doutor pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia da UFPB, como bolsista pela CAPES, atuando nas áreas de indústria cultural e teoria crítica, fantasia. Mestre em sociologia pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba (2016) e  bacharel em ciências sociais pela mesma universidade (2012). Atualmente, é membro do GRESP/UFPB (Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Sociologia Política), atuando na linha emancipação, utopia e novas virtudes. Currículo Lattes.

