Transfer and Diffusion of Health Policies via International Cooperation in South America

lessons from the empirical evidence of international law


  • Ademar Pozzatti Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Luiza Witzel Farias Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Policy Transfer, Policy Diffusion, Structuring Cooperation in Health, Health Policies, International Law


This paper argues that in addition to the perspective of foreign policy as public policy, the former may also be a precursor to the internationalization of other policies, via international cooperation. Thus, based on the empirical evidence of international law, the present research investigates how it can make this process feasible, in the health sector, from Brazil and focusing on South America. The discussion also seeks in the regional institutions involved in public policy cycles lessons about the dialogue between the local and global levels, and the variables involved in this relationship. Due to the normative approach of this undertaking, some questions about how to evaluate the results of these processes also are broken down, investigating what strategies have been used to solve this problem, and what would be the alternatives.


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