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Lista di controllo per la predisposizione di una proposta

Durante la procedura di trasmissione di una proposta, gli autori devono verificare il rispetto dei seguenti requisiti; la submission potrebbe essere rifiutata se non aderisce a queste richieste.

Linee guida per gli autori


Scandia implements a double-blind policy for reviewing the submitted material conducted by the Editorial Board and an external review. Authors are responsible for the grammar revisal prior to submission.

The authors must be at least Master's Degree student and the journal does not charge any fee to publish any material. Scandia accepts material written in collaboration if both coauthors meet the minimal academic degree.

Permanently opened for the reception of works, Scandia publishes original papers, reviews and translations by in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian.

Statement on Artificial Intelligence and Use of Academic Materials

The Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies recognizes the importance of innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI), understanding the challenges and opportunities they entail. Authors who have used AI tools in editing a manuscript, producing images or graphic elements of their article, or in collecting and analyzing data, are invited to explicitly declare their use, mentioning the AI tool, the field of application, the uses of the search queries, and the date of use, in order to allow reproducibility and verification. Authors should include a footnote, after the author identification, "During the preparation of this article, the author(s) used [Name of tool/service] on [dd/mm/yyyy] using the search terms: [Search terms] for [Reason]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as necessary and assume full responsibility for the content of the publication."


1. Articles:

a) Scandia accepts only original and unpublished manuscripts.

b) Manuscripts must be submitted in word format, 1,5 lines and Book Antiqua 11-point font size. The superior and lateral margins have to be 2,5 cm. They should be 15 to 30 pages long.

c) The title should be centralized, in Uppercase and Book Antiqua 12-point font size. Under it, a translation must count obeying the accepted languages by the journal (see above).

d) The name of the author should be after the title, in the same format and aligned to the right. Information and contacts must be indicated in a footnote obeying to continuous numbering.

e) The author has to provide two summaries (up to 15 lines, simple space): one in the same language as the article, and the second in another language accepted by the journal (see above). In addition, four keywords in both languages must be added.

f) All textual quotes of more than three lines have to be put in a different paragraph, in 4 cm to the right, Book Antiqua 10-poin size font, justified and simple spaced.

g) Footnotes have to be only explanatory and in Book Antiqua 10-point font size, simple spaced and justified.

h) Iconography may be subjugate and repositioned by the Editorial Board. Images should be in JPEG format, at least 300 dpi resolution, containing the source/origin and identification (author, local, date) in the text.

i) Bibliographical references must always be in the text as the next example: (Surname, Year, p. X-XX); (Surname, Year, p. X-XX apud Surname, Year, p. X-XX). Surnames must be written in lowercase.

j) Primary sources and classical authors (and their Works) have to be cited in the same language as the article or in the original idiom as the instructions below:

j.1) The title have to be in italic;

j.2) References to books, chapters or stanzas must be in Arabic numerals as the next examples: Snorri Sturluson, Gylfaginning 4; Snorri Sturluson, Egils saga 3; Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum 5; Anonymous, Hávamál 3.

j.3) Other information as versions, manuscripts or divergence in editions have to be put in a footnote or detailed in the Bibliographical Annex.

k) Bibliographical references must be put as follows:

k.1) Book Antiqua 11-point size font, 1,5 lines, justified.

k.2) Primary sources (literary, iconography, historical, archaeological) must appear firstly and separated from secondary sources. Consulted editions, manuscripts or modern editions have to be distinguished as well as the editors, organizers and translators.

k.3) Reference works (books, articles, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, etc) must be put in Secondary sources section:

k.3.1) Books: SURNAME, Name. Book Title. City: Editor, year.

k.3.2) Book chapter (same author): SURNAME, Name. “Book chapter”. In: Book Title. City: Editor, year, pp. X-XX.

k.3.3) Book chapter (different editor): SURNAME, Name. “Book chapter”. In: SURNAME, Name (Ed.). Book Title. City: Editor, year, pp. X-XX.

k.3.4) Article: SURNAME, Name. “Article Title”. Name of publication, Year, Number, Issue, pp. X-XX.

k.4) On-line Article: SURNAME, Name. “Article Title”. Name of publication, Year, Number, Issue, pp. X-XX. Extracted from: on-line link.

2. Reviews:

Books, movies, comics, and new media reviews should contain the complete reference of the material under scrutiny, taking a maximum length of 10 pages and a minimum of 4. For style, they must follow the same of the articles.

3. Translations:

Translations should be from primary sources, taking a maximum length of 50 pages and never minimum than 10. For style, they must follow the same of the articles.

4. Conference Report:

A conference report provides a historical record of the scholar event and an overview for those who were unable to attend. It should record the principal academic themes and should give a sense of what the experience was like for delegates. The conference report should serve the purpose of a true preliminary report. It should present and encourage speculation, alternative theories, and suggestions for future research. The conference report taking a maximum length of 10 pages and never minimum than 02. For style, they must follow the same of the articles.



Política padrão de seção

Dossier: Viking Age Archaeology

The continuous evolution of perspectives, adoption of innovative methodologies, and the unearthing of recently discovered sites have further enriched our understanding of Scandinavia's past and the dispersion of Viking influence throughout the Globe. In this context, we invite researchers to submit articles delving into archaeological themes within the following topics:

- The history of Viking Age Archeology: from the pioneers to the most recent research. Its reception, its criticism, and its convergence with historiographical perspectives.

- Viking activities: war; camps; diaspora; settlements; battle equipment and techniques; identity and material culture.

- Art, runestones, iconography, mythology. The study of beliefs, memory, aesthetics, and culture from a material perspective.

- Daily life, cities, farms, food, clothing, technologies, buildings and monuments. Norse life and societies during the Viking Age, within and beyond Scandinavia.

- Theories, methods, and conceptual perspectives of Archeology applied to the Viking Age.

The dossier will be organized by Professor Johnni Langer ( Reviews on the articles received will be provided by members of the Journal's Scientific Council and archaeologists to be contacted by the editor.

Contributions are accepted in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Submissions must be sent no later than August 30, 2024.

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