Ovidio, Virgilio, Darete e Haukr: la storia della guerra di Troia nella letterature islandese di quattordicesimo secolo



The present study aims to analyse the reception and reworking of the Trojan myth in 14th-century Icelandic literature. I chose as a study case the version of the Trójumanna saga composed by Haukr Elrendssonn at the beginning of the 14th century. This text was chosen, given its extraordinary nature and the state of the studies about it. Indeed, we had at least two complete editions, which allow full access to the text. In addition, the nature of the manuscript, the author, the date of composition and, therefore, the historical context of the redaction are known. All these details give us a complete picture of the reception of Trojan matter in this period. Furthermore, it is also possible to prove Haukr's direct knowledge of these sources, bringing exciting insights into the study of Latin in the Scandinavian context. This article focuses on the analysis of the text, highlighting passages deriving from Latin sources other than Dares Phrygius.


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Biografia autore

Beatrice Bedogni, University of Cambridge

PhD student at the ASNC department of the University of Cambridge.






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