The return of viking symbols: Vom Zauber der Zeichen: Die historischen Hintergründe von graphischen Zeichen, Symbolen und Ornamenten in der modernen Wikinger- und Mittelalterszene (A. Pesch)
Book cover: AntikMakler Archäologie und Geschichte, Rosenbach, 2024.
Man has always produced symbols, from prehistoric times to the times of space conquest. The world's most important religions have also always expressed strong artistic and cultural identities through symbols. The ancient scandinavians were no different. One might wonder tough: to what extent did Viking symbols – and their constant presence in movies, media, medieval festivals and even tattoos – really have the same meaning which is attributed to them in these media? This is the central issue that German archaeologist Alexandra Pesch investigates throughout her 130-page book.
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