The participation of women is present in different debates in the scientific community. Its presence is felt in numerous activities that have contributed and contribute to the advancement of science over the years and in recent decades there has been a perception that female representation is intensifying. Based on this observation, this research is motivated to present in a quantitative and qualitative way how women present themselves in the production of national dissertations and theses between the years 1972 and 2020 in the area of Information Science. For this, the methodologies used will be: Bibliographic Research in order to point out Information Science and its graduate programs in Brazil, in addition to briefly talking about the insertion of women in science productions; Data collection that will collaborate in the mapping of female participation in dissertations and theses in a quantifiable way. As a source of access to the data, the Digital Repositories of the Graduate Programs in Information Science in Brazil will be used, where dissertations and theses produced by women were collected. With the procedures, quantitative and qualitative observations will be presented about women who are 67% in the production of dissertations and 59% in theses in Information Science. In this way, it was possible to analyze that women are significantly present in this area of knowledge, contributing to the area of Information Science since 1972, with a greater presence from the 2000s.Downloads
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