the case of the federal justice in paraíba


  • Wellington da Silva Gomes Universidade Federal da Paraíba


Federal Court of Paraíba. Judicial Power, Judicial Power, Federal Court of Paraíba, Registration Section of the Federal Court in Paraíba.


The Judiciary in the Brazilian State is in charge of administering laws and justice in society, with the prerogative of resolving conflicts whether by investigating, judging or punishing. The Federal Court is integrated with the Judiciary and analyzes the cases of Union bodies, local authorities and federal public companies, and in Paraíba, it was established in 1968. Therefore, this article aimed to report the archival activities carried out in the Cadastre and Registration Section Function of the Federal Court in Paraíba. Methodologically, we used qualitative, descriptive and bibliographical research, among other procedures, as archival practices were detailed in the Section above. The activities carried out in this locus of the Federal Justice in Paraíba were aimed at optimizing the functions of the body, identifying its gaps to suggest improvements in the archival activities of the aforementioned Section. Therefore, the experience in the Federal Court was fundamental for our professional training, understanding that the need for Archivology and archivists in public institutions is latent, as a way to improve skills in the area of archives.


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Author Biography

Wellington da Silva Gomes, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Mestre e Doutorando em Ciência da Informação (UFPB). Graduação em Arquivologia pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB).


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How to Cite

GOMES, W. da S. ARCHIVISTICS ACTIVITIES IN THE BRASILIAN JUDICARY: the case of the federal justice in paraíba . Archeion Online, [S. l.], v. 11, n. Edição Especial, p. 71–84, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.

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