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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the compliance of the submission with all the items listed here, in addition to the criteria informed in all sections of the CM website. Submissions that are not in accordance with the standards will be returned to the authors.
  • The manuscript is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; if it has already been published in foreign journals (outside Brazil), in conference proceedings or is the result of monographs, dissertations and theses, please explicitly stated it in "Comments to the Editor".
  • Figures and tables are both inserted along the text and sent in separate files, in jpg format and in resolution between 200-300dpi.
  • The authorship identification of this article was removed from the text, the file and from the option Properties in Word, ensuring the criterion of total confidentiality at the time of double blind peer review.
  • The text follows the style, formatting and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines
  • The submission is in accordance with the About the Journal section, complying with all the Focus and Scope and Ethical Commitments instructions.
  • All authors are duly registered with the CM, linked to the submission and their registrations are updated in our system. All submission metadata is also duly completed in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
  • At least one of the authors has a master degree. In case of co-authorship with graduates and / or undergraduates, the latter are linked to research groups and / or Scientific Initiation projects (which should be explained in "Comments to the Editor").

Author Guidelines

Registration / Registration update

All authors must have an updated registration in the CM's system, specifying clearly their full names, the most recent academic title and institutional link, their contact e-mails, the languages ​​they dominate, the areas of interest, in addition to the URLs of their Orcid (also associate the Orcid registration itself with the CM's system) and Lattes Curriculum (only for Brazilian ones). We also ask you to fill/update your mini-biographies (in the three requested languages) ​​with up to 250 characters, with spaces, during the submission process. In the Journal registration, indicate the title (in case of masters and PhDs), with emphasis on the item "What do you prefer to be called? Greetings, surnames and suffixes can be added here", ex: PhD Mary Thompson. Submissions whose authors have incomplete and/or outdated records in the CM's system will not be evaluated.

We also recommend that authors to create and update their profiles in international networks of researchers, such as Google Scholar, Research Gate,, among others, keeping the circulation and dissemination of scientific production active.


We remind you that at least one of the co-authors must have a PhD degree and this must be the main contact of the submission. In case of co-authorship with a graduate student, his/her participation in study groups and/or scientific initiation projects must be explicitly stated in his/her biography and also be indicated in notes to editors.

All submitted manuscripts must follow the instructions contained in all sections of the website of Culturas Midiáticas and be aligned with the journal's scope, which must be explicit from the title/subtitle, keywords and abstracts of the texts.

Articles must have up to 35 thousand characters, with spaces (including title, abstracts, keywords, body text, footnotes and references). They must follow all the instructions present in THIS MODEL FILE FOR SUBMISSIONS. The file must be submitted in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (as long as it does not exceed 2MB). Page must come in A4 size with margins of 3 cm on the left and top; and 2 cm on the right and bottom.

The article must contain the following structural items: Original title and translated titles (all manuscripts must contain titles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the main language of the text); Abstract and translated abstracts, with their respective keywords (all manuscripts must contain abstracts and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the main language of the text), containing a maximum of 1000 characters, with spaces; Intersections (are optional, but we recommend it, especially if there are delimited topics throughout the text and to demarcate the final considerations); References. We emphasize the importance of using an updated bibliography. We suggest the use of articles published in scientific journals in the references.

All web addresses mentioned in the manuscript must be verified (updated), active and accessible by clicking (hyperlinks).

Images and tables must be inserted throughout the text (and not at the end). Pictures must also be sent in separate files, in .jpg format and in a resolution between 200-300dpi.

Remember to indicate, in the submission process, the Section to which it should be addressed: if the manuscript is an Article; Review (both eligible to regular editions); or if it will be addressed to Thematic Dossier (when there is an open call for a special issue).

The submission metadata must be completed in full and in the three requested languages ​​(Portuguese, English and Spanish).

Peer Review Process

The articles submitted to Culturas Midiáticas go through the following stages:

1 - Receipt of manuscript submission through the OJS / PKP system, through the journal's website;

2 - Preliminary compliance check of the submission guidelines, made by the assistant editor. To move forward in the evaluation process is mandatory to comply with all the rules presented on the CM's website (formatting, ethical commitments, scope, among others). If the submission is not in accordance with the guidelines, a justification message will be sent to the author. We recommend that submissions that have not successfully completed this stage to be corrected and resubmitted;

3 – Article analysis in the anti-plagiarism software iThenticate. For the texts to proceed for content evaluation, we will accept a maximum of 10% of auto plagiarism or up to 50% if the text is a result of a monograph, dissertation, or theses (which must be explained at notes to editor, not in the text file). After this evaluation, the assistant editor forwards each text to one of the CM's editors, for the next analysis stage;

4 – Double-blind and peer review by three ad hoc reviewers (who are not part of the editorial team), registered as reviewers in the Journal system. The editors invite three reviewers specialized in the topic of the submitted manuscript. The reviewers are researchers of notorious knowledge in the field of Communication and Information and related areas that, as well as the members of the Advisory Board, work in different regions of Brazilian and abroad. During the analysis, the reviewers fill out an evaluation form and produce a report, in which they indicate (or not) necessary corrections and recommend (or not) the publication of the manuscript. The editors rely on the report for requesting changes and final acceptance/rejection of the publication of the manuscript. Manuscripts approved without observations go straight to the next step. In case of approval conditioned to modifications, the editors will contact the authors, send the report and establish a deadline for adjustments. In case of non-approval of the manuscript, the reports are sent to the authors, to whom we recommend consider the indications, make the changes and resubmit it for the next edition of CM. We emphasize that the process of evaluations guarantees the anonymity of the reviewers and the anonymity of the authors to preserve the relationships among peers. The reviewers sign also a declaration assuring the absence of conflicts of interest;

5 - Journal edition publication, containing the articles approved in all previous steps, after revision in the three languages and final formatting. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make formal, orthographic and grammatical changes and adjustments, suggested by specialized proofreaders, without changes in the substance of the structure and content of the texts. 

Other information

One same (co-)author cannot be evaluated with more than one submission for the same issue of the journal.

Papers that have not been accepted for publication in Culturas Midiáticas are free for submission in other journals.

To avoid endogeny, CM do not accept papers by researchers linked to the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB).

Cases that escape the terms established here will be evaluated by the Advisory Board of Culturas Midiáticas

Accreditation of reviewers

CM invites Ph.D. researchers interested in registering in the journal's reviewer database. To do this, you have to fill with the role "reviewer" in YOUR PROFILE, detailing the area of ​​expertise in the field of ​​Communication and Information and related areas, as well as the languages ​​you master, your most recent institutional link and the URL of your Orcid. We count on the collaboration of peers to strengthen qualified scientific dissemination.


O dossiê Relações Públicas, Comunicação Organizacional e narrativas contemporâneas conta com os seguintes co-editores convidados: 

Aline Ferreira Lira - UFAM

Ana Karin Nunes - UFRGS 

Emanuelle Gonçalves Brandão Rodrigues - UFAL 

As atividades e práticas de relações públicas e de comunicação organizacional, atravessadas pelas diferentes culturas, reconfiguram, constantemente, suas narrativas através das subjetividades dos sujeitos, das relações de trabalho que precisam se adaptar às novas legislações, das tecnologias que impactam identidades, imagens e reputações, das necessidades ambientais, das pautas aderentes à acessibilidade, à diversidade, à sustentabilidade e aos direitos humanos. Na busca contínua pela presença no imaginário coletivo, organizações, figuras públicas e celebridades desejam gerar impacto quanto à forma com que se relacionam com as pessoas, procurando despertar atenção a partir da construção de narrativas com temas que estejam em consonância com o debate coletivo.

O estudo das narrativas de organizações, de figuras públicas e de celebridades gera investigações sobre como os sujeitos se engajam, ou não, aos processos comunicativos, ou seja, deseja-se observar a construção e comunicação de narrativas com fins específicos de gerar mobilização frente aos seus públicos. Em virtude do volume informacional e das inúmeras possibilidades de comunicação, essas narrativas enfrentam o desafio de serem atrativas e conectadas com o debate público, assim como conectadas com os valores individuais e coletivos.

A Revista Culturas Midiáticas (PPGC/UFPB), ciente da necessidade de acompanhar as mudanças das diferentes narrativas, lança o Dossiê “Relações Públicas, Comunicação Organizacional e narrativas contemporâneas”, que pretende discutir diferentes compreensões sobre a temática e ampliar as análises teórico-críticas sobre a questão. 

Como indicadores de interesse para esse dossiê, mas não se limitando a eles, sugere-se alguns pilares de reflexão:

  • O uso das relações de trabalho nos discursos de comunicação organizacional;
  • As tecnologias como forma de constituição narrativa de identidade, imagem e reputação de organizações, de celebridades e de figuras públicas;
  • Sustentabilidade e responsabilidade social como narrativa; 
  • O uso dos ODS e do ESG nas narrativas; 
  • As narrativas organizacionais e a produção de subjetividades no mundo do trabalho;
  • Discurso social e narrativas;
  • Identidade narrativa e memória organizacional/coletiva;
  • Narrativas, controvérsias públicas e a formação da opinião pública;
  • Perspectivas teóricas e metodológicas dos estudos de narrativas no âmbito da comunicação organizacional e das relações públicas;
  • Narrativas no contexto da gestão da comunicação de risco e da gestão da comunicação de crise envolvendo organizações, figuras públicas e celebridades.

Os trabalhos podem ter cunho teórico ou abordar estudos de casos e práticas profissionais, desde que tenham a capacidade crítico-reflexiva sobre os pilares sugeridos. Os artigos devem seguir as normas da Revista Culturas Midiáticas disponíveis em: 

Envio de trabalhos com prorrogação: até 29/07


BENJAMIN, W.  O narrador: considerações sobre a obra de Nikolai Leskov. In: BENJAMIN, W. Magia e técnica, arte e política: ensaios sobre literatura e história da cultura (Obras escolhidas I). Tradução Sérgio Paulo Rouanet. 7. ed. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1994. p. 197-221.

HOLBOROW, M. Language and neoliberalism. New York: Routledge, 2015.

KAUFMANN, C.; BALDISSERA, R. Comunicação organizacional e sustentabilidade: cartografia dos sentidos instituídos pelo discurso organizacional. Curitiba: Appris, 2021.

RICOEUR, P.   O si-mesmo como outro. Tradução Ivone C. Benedetti. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2014.

RICOEUR, P.   Tempo e Narrativa 1: a intriga e a narrativa histórica. Tradução Cláudia Berliner. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2010. 

SCROFERNEKER. C. M. A. Trajetórias teórico-conceituais da comunicação organizacional. Revista Famecos. Porto Alegre, n. 31. dez de 2006. 

SANTOS, L. C.; D’ALMEIDA, N. Narrativa e comunicação organizacional. Organicom. Ano 14, n. 17, 1a semana, 2017. 

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