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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • Were the authorizations and licenses for conducting the research informed? The study must include the authorization of the ethics committee (in the case of research with people) and other licenses necessary for its development.

Author Guidelines

Submission must be made solely and exclusively through the journal’s platform ( As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify compliance of the submission with respect to all items listed below. Submissions that are not in line with the standards will be returned to the authors.

1) Two files are being submitted: the article archive and the letter of introduction and consent signed by all authors. All authors and their complete academic affiliations are registered in the system and have ORCID. The inclusion of new authors shall not be accepted after the review process has started.

2) Manuscripts must be presented in the following sequence: title page, declarations, abstracts in Portuguese, Spanish and English, key words for each language, text, bibliographical references. All in a single file in Word format.

3) The contribution is original and unpublished, and it is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise justify in "Comments to the Editor."

4) All internet page addresses (URLs), included in the text (e.g.: are active and ready to click. The submitted manuscripts must cite and reference all data, program codes and other materials that were used or generated in the research.

5) The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the section About the Journal.

6) The identification of authorship of this work was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal’s secrecy criterion, if submitted for peer-review (e.g. articles), if the authors opt for Blind Peer-Review.

Guidelines for Authors

 The Gaia Scientia journal publishes unpublished manuscripts. The authorship of the manuscripts should be limited to those who substantially contributed to the elaboration of the work. All authors must agree with the inclusion of their names in the work and the submission is of sole responsibility of the authors.

Considering the evaluation processes by which the journal is submitted and the criteria of the indexing platforms, theGaia Scientia limits the publication of articles by authors linked to the editorial board, to the UFPB and to the PRODEMA network (UFPB, UFPI, UFRN, UFS, UFPI, UFC, UESC) to 20% of the articles published annually.

Considering the journal’s profile and the importance given to information reaching a wide audience, the Gaia Scientiapublishes articles, preferably in English, but accepts manuscripts in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

The submission process must include a cover letter, highlighting the relevant points of the article, its adherence to the scope of the journal and any other information that the authors consider important. The cover letter must inform that the article is an unpublished work, that is not being considered for publication in any other channel, that does not have plagiarism or ethical research misconduct and must be signed by all authors (consent of all authors for submission).

Types of work published


Reviews are published only with prior consultation with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.


We request authors to carefully read the regulations. This is an important step and non-compliance can influence in the evaluation process.

Articles must be organized in a SINGLE Word file, subdivided into the following parts:

  • Title Page;
  • Declarations;
  • Resumo, Abstract and Resumen (starting with the title of the work and with up to 200 words), with their respective palavras-chave, keywords and palabras clave. The abstract and title are MANDATORY in the 3 languages;
  • Introduction;
  • Material and Methods;
  • Results and Discussion (the author can choose to separate or unite these items);
  • Conclusion;
  • References.

Sessions should not be numbered. Only the first letters of the sessions should be written in capital letters. If subdivisions are required in sessions, they should not be numbered. All work must be in accordance with the ethical behaviors adopted by the Gaia Scientia  (see Ethical Issues section). Authors should send their articles only in electronic version and through the journal’s platform. All communication must be done through the journal’s online platform.


Title Page

It must contain the title of the work, the names of the authors, their academic affiliations and the ORCID registration(s). The author must be informed for correspondence and all authors of the work must be registered in the journal’s system at the time of submission, as well as their complete affiliations. The inclusion of authors will not be allowed after the evaluation process has started. A short title must be provided. At least three possible reviewers must be appointed, who must be doctors, specialists in the field and with no conflict of interest with the authors or with the work. Inform the names, affiliation and email of possible reviewers. Acknowledgments should appear on this Page. Personal acknowledgments must precede acknowledgments to institutions or agencies. Acknowledgments for grants or scholarships (with case numbers), as well as acknowledgments for the collaboration of colleagues, and the mention of the origin of an article (e.g. theses) must be indicated in this section.


Authors must inform the six items listed below:

  • participation of authors: the participation of each author in the development of the article must be informed.
  • ethical approval: all manuscripts must include a statement on ethical approval and consent (even when the need for approval has been waived), including the name of the ethics committee that approved the study and the committee reference number, if appropriate. Animal studies must include a declaration of ethics approval.
  • Type of review: do the authors agree with the disclosure of their names to the reviewers?
  • data availability: Inform whether the data will be available in any database or repositories.
  • Funding: inform all funding sources.
  • Conflict of Interest: If there is a conflict of interest, it must be informed.

Body Text

Articles can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, but the journal recommends publication in English. The texts must be prepared in the following formatting standard: 1.5 spacing, Times News Roman font, size 12, in A4 size sheet (210 x 297 mm), obeying all margins with 2.0 cm. The pages must be numbered from the first page. The lines must be numbered sequentially. Footnotes should be avoided; when necessary, they should be numbered sequentially. At the time of submission, there should be no identification of the authors in the body of the article or in the Properties option in Word (if the authors opt for blind evaluation). All Internet page addresses (URLs), included in the text (e.g.: must be active and ready to click.

Size of articles

Articles must have a maximum of 25 pages. Succinct and carefully prepared articles are preferred both in terms of impact and in their ease of reading.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures will be considered when they are truly show themselves to be necessary to understand the Text. Authors should not repeat information from tables and graphs throughout the text. Only high quality illustrations will be accepted. All illustrations will be considered as figures, including drawings, graphs, maps and photographs. Figures and tables must appear throughout the text and with captions. All Figures and Tables must be referred to throughout the text. Tables and charts are distinguished by the presence of vertical and horizontal lines. Tables present lines only at the top and bottom. Neither Tables nor charts should have colored cells. When there are graphs or figures with related or complementary information, they must form a single table. The figures organized on a table must be edited to be a single figure, identified by capital letters on the upper left side of each image.

Figures must be formatted according to the following specifications:

  1. Drawings and illustrations must be in format .JPG or .PS/.EPS or .CDR (Postscript or Corel Draw);
  2. Halftone images or figures must be in the format .JPG or .TIF or .PNG;
  3. The figures must be formatted so that each linear dimension of the smallest letters and symbols must not be less than 2 mm after the reduction.
  4. Figures that are not authored by the author him/herself or, when the author has previously been published, will only be accepted with the letter of consent of the original author or the journal where the figure was published.
  5. During the process of editing accepted articles, authors may be asked to send figures of better quality, if necessary. Articles containing symbols of Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry can be typed in Tex, AMS-Tex or Latex; Articles without mathematical formulas must be sent in Word for Windows.


Abbreviations must be defined in their first occurrence in the text, except in the case of standard and official abbreviations. Units and its symbols must comply with those approved by ABNT or the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (SI).


Authors should prioritize the citation of relevant articles and with adherence to the theme of the manuscript, prioritizing the citation of recent articles / references. References must contain around 80% of up-to-date citations (last 10 years). Authors should pay attention to the formatting of both citations throughout the text and references. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references.

Articles published and accepted for publication (in press) may be included. Avoid citing theses and dissertations and other gray references. Apud references, abstracts of meetings, symposia (not published in journals), articles in preparation or submitted, but not yet definitively accepted CANNOT be cited in the text and should not be included in the reference list. Include the DOI at the end of the reference whenever possible.

References should be cited in the text as, for example, (Smith 2004), (Smith and Wesson 2005), in the case of a text in the English language or (Smith and Wesson 2005), in the case of a text in the Portuguese language or, for three or more authors, (Smith et al. 2006). Two or more articles by the same author in the same year must be distinguished by letters, e.g. (Smith 2004a), (Smith 2004b), etc. Articles with three or more authors with the same first author and year of publication must also be distinguished by letters. In the case of citing several authors at the same point in the text, references must be organized in chronological order and separated by semicolons (Silva 1999; Colen 2003; Menezes 2010; Anuda 2015). References should be listed in alphabetical order by the first author, always in the order of the surname XY in which X and Y are the initials.


García-Moreno J, Clay R, Ríos-Munoz CA. 2007. The importance of birds for conservation in the neotropical region. Journal of Ornithology 148 (2): 321-326.
Pinto ID, Sanguinetti YT. 1984. Mesozoic Ostracode Genus Theriosynoecum Branson, 1936 and validity of related Genera. Anais Academia Brasileira Ciências 56: 207-215.
Posey DA. 1983. Kayapó entomological knowledge: ethnomethodology and cultural system Anuário Antropológico 81: 109-121.


Davies M. 1947. An outline of the development of Science, Athinker's Library, n. 120. London: Watts, 214 p.
Prehn RT. 1964 Role of immunity in biology of cancer. In: National Cancer Conference, 5, Philadelphia Proceedings…., Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, p. 97-104.
Uytenbogaardt W and Burke EAJ. 1971. Tables for microscopic identification of minerals, 2nd ed., Amsterdam: Elsevier, 430 p.
Woody RW. 1974. Studies of theoretical circular dichroism of Polipeptides: contributions of B-turns. In: Blouts ER et al. (Eds), Peptides, polypeptides and proteins, New York: J Wiley & Sons, New York, USA, p. 338-350.


International Kimberlite Conference, 5, 1991. Araxá, Brazil. Proceedings. Rio de Janeiro: CPRM, 1994, 495 p.
Dynamics of Classical Fields. 1998. University of Calgary, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 55 p. Preprint n. 600.

Privacy Statement

The published manuscripts are the property of GAIA SCIENTIA Journal, both reproduction, even if partial in other journals, as well as translation into another language without the written authorization of the Editorial Board, is prohibited.

Free Access Policy
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

Intellectual property
All contents of the journal are licensed under a Creative Commons attribution BY-NC 4.0 ( That is, the content may be copied, adapted or modified, as long as the origin, authorship and changes made are indicated and provided that it is for non-commercial use. All contents of the journal has online publication, open and free access.